Ungeniert pusten uns die Ozeanriesen von AIDA und Co. ungefilterte Luft um die Nasen: die Abgase der Kreuzfahrtschiffe machen krank, schaden der Umwelt und heizen unnötig dem Klima ein. Dabei gibt es Alternativen, Stickoxid-Katalysatoren und Rußfilter. Doch die Reedereien investieren lieber in Golfanlagen oder Brauereien an Bord. Damit muss Schluss sein! Der NABU macht daher beim Hamburger Hafengeburtstag mit einer ...
Leggi Articolo »The Coming Death of Venice?
Fortunately, the €1.5 billion investment will probably not be found, but if it is, the City Council of Venice will be giving permission in July for an 820-foot-high skyscraper (130 feet taller than the Tour Montparnasse in Paris) to be built on the mainland behind Venice, about six miles from St. Mark’s Square. The mayor, Giorgio Orsoni, assures us that ...
Leggi Articolo »June 7-8-9 – Big international and national mobilization
Cruise ships are floating major works. Unsustainable. Polluting. Devastating for our territory. In Venice we are building a three-days mobilization along with all the committees, national and international, who struggle against great works and devastating environmental impact. June 7-8-9 – Big international and national mobilization Cruise ships are floating major works. Unsustainable. Polluting. Devastating for our territory. In Venice ...
Leggi Articolo »Tous à Venise les 7, 8 et 9 juin prochains
7, 8 et 9 Juin 2013 – Trois jours de mobilisation pour dire: NON aux grands navires, NON aux Grands Travaux. Le camp de base, les initiatives et les réunions vont se concentrer sur le complexe sportif de Sacca Fisola (voir la carte) tout à l’ouest de la Giudecca, juste en face du port. Cet équipement nous est laissé en ...
Leggi Articolo »Venice imposes short Grand Canal boat ban
BBC news – The city of Venice has imposed its first ever ban on motorboats, launches and barges on one of its main waterways. Almost all the usual traffic was cleared from the Grand Canal for several hours. The aim was to draw attention to the city’s environmental problems, and help make the case for more ecologically-sound forms of water ...
Non aux grands navires…. Le comité vénitien œuvrant en ce sens a lancé un appel pour cette première manifestation, le samedi 23 mars 2013…. Voici le «flyer», ici on dit plutôt le «volantino»…. LINK all’articolo completo, in lingua originale
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