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Feindbild Tourist

www.deutschlandfunk.de – Sie verstopfen die Straßen, fuchteln mit ihren Selfiesticks in der Luft herum, treiben die Preise in die Höhe und stehen überall im Weg – die Touristen in Venedig. 30 Millionen Besucher kommen pro Jahr in die Lagunenstadt, die nicht für den Massentourismus geschaffen ist. Von Kirstin Hausen Es reicht, finden immer mehr Einheimische. Wie kommt ein Angestellter pünktlich ...

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When mass tourism clashes with the “right to the city”

During 2017, International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, the impact of visitors has reached such proportions that cities like Amsterdam are considering measures such as raising the tourist tax by €10 a night. The Dutch capital, and many other cities like it, has identified the management of mass urban tourism as one of the greatest challenges it faces. According ...

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El despojo navega Venecia – SubVersiones

La ciudad sin automóviles Se dice que cuando los conquistadores europeos llegaron a Tenochtitlan, fueron deslumbrados por la magnitud y belleza de la capital del imperio mexica. La única referencia que tenían de otra ciudad construida sobre el agua era Venecia. Mientras en América, en medio de la guerra de conquista se destruían y saqueaban templos, pirámides y otras expresiones ...

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Venice, Invaded by Tourists, Risks Becoming ‘Disneyland on the Sea’ – The New York Times

By JASON HOROWITZ Photographs by ANDREW TESTA  VENICE — “You guys, just say ‘skooozy’ and walk through,” a young American woman commanded her friends, caught in one of the bottlenecks of tourist traffic that clog Venice’s narrow streets, choke its glorious squares and push the locals of this enchanting floating city out and onto drab, dry land. “We don’t have ...

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Heading to Venice? Don’t forget your pollution mask

Venetians regularly protest against the huge cruise ships docking in the city, but mass tourism is not the only problem they bring – the toxic air they pump out is harmful to locals and visitors alike di Axel Friedrich da The Guardian di lunedì 31 July 2017 If you’re heading to Venice on holiday this summer, don’t forget to pack your ...

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Shanghaidaily – Feature: Environmentalists call for sustainable solutions on passage of large ships in Venice

by Marzia De Giuli     MILAN, Sept. 23 (Xinhua) – The Italian government is determined to face the issue of large ships visiting Venice among increasing concerns for the risk they pose to the fragile lagoon city, local reports said on Monday. According to Corriere della Sera newspaper, Prime Minister Enrico Letta has called a meeting on Oct. 1 ...

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